Are Iguanas Eating Your Orchid?

Are iguanas eating your orchid? Notice your orchid disappearing or chew marks on your plant? Then you may have an iguana problem!

Iguanas inhabit many regions throughout the planet. They favor the same regions that orchids thrive in. If you live near coastal or tropical regions, then you most likely see iguanas and other lizards roaming around your yard or even your house daily.

Most iguanas are harmless to humans and other animals. But these lizards can be extremely destructive to your orchid and other plants. It is easy to keep iguanas away from your orchid and other plants.

In this blog post you will find information on iguanas and orchids including:

  • What iguanas are and biological facts about these lizards
  • Where you can find these lizards
  • Signs iguanas are eating your orchid
  • Ways to keep iguanas away from your orchids
  • Natural remedies to keep iguanas away
  • How to make your own iguana repellent
  • Pesticides you can use to keep iguanas from eating your plants

You and your orchids can live in peace with iguanas. By the end of this post, you will be an expert on keeping iguanas away from your orchid and other plants. These pests are easy to get rid of. Keep reading to learn more now!

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Are iguanas eating your orchid?

What are Iguanas?

Iguanas are one of the many different lizard species in the reptile family found throughout almost all tropical regions of the world. There are two different species of iguanas. The Green Iguana is the most commonly known species of iguanas.

Most iguanas grow to be 5 feet in length once mature (including their long tails). These lizards have scales. The scales on their body can be arranged in a variety of different patterns. Some scales may appear large and round, while others may be smaller and overlapping.

The scales on an iguana’s body can vary in color. Scales may be shades of green, tan, red, black, brown, orange, grey, and so on.

Mature iguanas may have spikes running along their heads and spines. Spikes may even appear under iguana’s chins. Lizards like iguanas may also develop long, spiky claws on their feet once fully mature.

Iguana’s Life Cycle

Iguanas can live to be 30 years in age. This reptile will reach full maturity around 2 years old. By this time, both male and female iguanas will be able to mate.

Once eggs are fertilized, female iguanas may lay up to 50 eggs and immediately abandons the nest. After 10 weeks of incubation, the eggs will hatch.

Baby iguanas will develop into juvenile iguanas after a few short weeks. By then, iguanas are fully capable to fending for themselves and their odds of survival increase. During the juvenile stage, iguanas will begin to rapidly grow. By the time they reach 1.5 to 2 years old, the iguana will mature from being a juvenile to an adult.

Iguana's life cycle, Mature iguana
Above is an image of a mature iguana. These reptiles can grow to be 6 feet in length and have a variety of different scales and patterns. This lizard may even have spikes running along its head, chin, and back. Iguanas may be a variety of different colors. This lizard can live to be 30 years in age and is fully mature and able to reproduce once they reach 2 years old.

Want to know more about iguanas and their life cycles? Then check out this article on The Life Cycles of Iguanas.

Where you can Find Iguanas

Lizards like iguanas are native to areas such as Mexico, Central America, South America, and regions throughout the Caribbean. Today, these lizards can be found on almost every continent, as they have become favorable pets to many.

Iguanas favor tropical regions. This lizard can be found near tropial-coastal regions and highly populate areas such as Florida, Aruba, Mexico, and other similar regions.

Lizards such as iguanas need warm, humid weather in order to survive. Temperatures for this lizard should not drop below 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Iguanas favor very warm temperatures. Ideal temperatures for this lizard is anywhere between 95 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Iguanas tend to hide in bushes, tall grass, and even in trees and other plants. You may even see this lizard running around or sunbathing on decks, sidewalks, rocks, and other outdoor surfaces.

Iguana’s Diet

Lizards like the iguanas are herbivore. This means that iguanas only consume plants, flowers, leaves, roots, and fruit. Iguanas especially favor leaves and flowering shrubs like orchids, peonies, roses, hibiscus, etc.

Orchids are a tasty meal for iguanas. The leaves on orchids are rich in nutrients, minerals, and water. If an iguana comes across your orchid outdoors or even indoors, then your plant will be at extreme risk for being its next snack. Orchid blooms are not safe either, as iguanas will gladly eat them as well.

If you notice the presence of iguanas, especially near your orchid or other plants, then it is important that immediately take action and repel this lizard away from your plants.

How to Tell Iguanas are Eating Your Orchid

You will be able tell whether an iguana is eating your orchid or not based on the appearance of your plant. If one moment the leaves and blooms are fully intact, and the next they’re gone, then your orchid may have been eaten by an iguana.

Iguanas can quickly consume and destroy your orchid and other plants.

You may notice chew marks on the orchid’s leaves or partially eaten blooms. Also if you happen to see this lizard on or near your orchid, then this may be a good indicator that it is the culprit responsible for eating your plant.

7 Ways to Keep Iguanas From Eating Your Orchid

Orchids that are outdoors are easily accessible to iguanas. These lizards can climb on almost any surface. Therefore, any orchid you have outdoors is more prone to being eaten by iguanas and other pests.

Below you will find 7 easy tricks and remedies to keep iguanas from eating your orchids and other outdoor plants.

1. Use Iguana Repellent to Keep Iguanas From Eating Your Orchids

One of the best ways you can keep iguanas from eating your orchids is by applying iguana repellent throughout your yard. You can use either repellents that are specially made for iguanas or you can try a DIY project and make your own homemade iguana repellent.

Iguana Repellents

There are many different iguana repellents that are available to buy in stores or online. It is a good idea to keep iguana repellent handy if you live in tropical regions that have a thriving iguana population.

Most iguana repellents are easy to use and are safe for your yard. You can purchase repellent granules and place them throughout various regions of your yard. Try to place the repellent granules along gardens, tree lines, trails, sideways, driveways, and other walkways.

Once you have placed repellent granules along infected areas of your yard, spray them with iguana repellent spray. The granules will absorb the spray and will be effective for one month. Spray the granules monthly to help keep iguanas away from your yard and orchids.

You should also spray the rest of your yard and around your orchids with the repellent spray every 30 to 45 days to help keep these pests away.

The iguana repellent spray and granules will emit an unpleasant smell (usually composed of food grade actives) that will repel the iguanas away from your orchids and yard.

The repellents are perfectly safe to use and will not kill or harm the iguanas or other animals. It will simply deter them away with an unpleasant oder.

Be kind and do not directly spray iguanas or other animals with the iguana repellent spray.

Colton’s Lizard Repellent Spray (100% Natural, 32 oz)-$30

Need help picking the right Iguana Repellent Spray? Look no further! Colton’s Lizard Repellent Spray is 100% all natural and safe to use on your orchids and outdoor plants.

This repellent is effective in keeping iguanas and other lizards away from your plants when regularly sprayed on your plants. Colton’s Lizard Repellent Spray is chemical free and will not harm your orchids or iguanas (the smell keeps them away).

DIY Project: Homemade Iguana Repellent Spray

If you prefer to repel iguanas away from your orchids with a more all-natural remedy, then try making a homemade iguana repellent spray!

Natural, homemade iguana repellent sprays are easy to make and only require a few items. There are several different sprays you can make.

Below you will find the recipe and directions for a garlic clove-habanero repellent spray.

How to Make Garlic-Habanero Iguana Repellent Spray

The smells of garlic and habanero will surely repel and keep iguanas away from your orchids and other plants.

For this iguana repellent spray recipe you will need:

  • 3 to 5 garlic cloves
  • 5 habanero peppers
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 2 teaspoons of dish soap
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon or lime juice
  • Pureer mixer
  • 1 mason jar
  • 1 spray bottle

To make a garlic-habanero iguana repellent spray:

  1. Puree both the garlic cloves and habanero peppers until completely blended
  2. Mix in 1 teaspoon of lemon or lime juice into the puree mixture
  3. Pour mixture into 1 gallon of water
  4. Stir in 2 teaspoons of dish soap
  5. Place mixture into a large mason jar and seal tight
  6. Let the mason jar sit in the fridge for 1 month to let the garlic-habanero spray ferment (the longer it sits, the stronger the smell will be)
  7. After 1 month transfer the mixture from the mason jar into a spray bottle
  8. Your spray will now be ready to use!

Once your garlic-habanero spray is ready, you will be able to spray this repellent in your yard and around your orchids. Avoid directly spraying your orchid with this spray to avoid causing any harm to your plant. But it will be perfectly safe to spray on most other plants, trees, and areas of your yard.

Iguanas will not like the smell of the garlic cloves or the habanero. It will quickly repel this lizard and save the day to stop from iguanas eating your orchid and other plants.

garlic-habanero iguana repellent spray
You can use iguana repellent sprays to keep these lizards away from your orchid and yard. They dislike the smell of garlic cloves and habaneros and you can even make your own iguana repellent spray to keep these them away from your plants.

2. Install Sprinkler Systems Near Your Orchids

Installing sprinklers or motion-activated sprinkler systems throughout your yard is another perfectly safe option you can use to keep iguanas away. Iguanas do not like being spray with water.

Placing sprinklers throughout various regions of your yard will help in keeping iguanas away from your plants and orchids. The water from the sprinklers will scare the iguanas and will not harm them. They will simply run off when a sprinkler is activated nearby.

You can also use the old and simple method of spraying the iguanas (or near them) when you see them. This method may not be as effective as using sprinklers that detect motion, but is another safe option you can use to keep iguanas away.

Be sure to not place the sprinklers directly next to your orchids.

Orchids are sensitive to water and can easily be overwatered. If orchids sit in wet soil too long, then they may become ill and develop orchid diseases (such as root rot, black rot, orchid fungus, etc.) that can kill your orchid overtime.

Orbit Motion Activated Sprinkler-$70

The Orbit Motion Activated Sprinkler is perfect to purchase if you are experiencing an iguana or pest issue with your outdoor orchids and gardens! You can install this sprinkler in your yard.

If an iguana or other pest steps within a certain vicinity near the sprinkler, it will automatically activate the sprinkler it will spray water. The sound of the water spraying and the water itself is enough to scare the iguanas away. Your orchids and gardens will be safe and iguana-free when you use the Orbit Motion Activated Sprinkler!

3. Place CDs Near Your Orchids and Other Plants

Placing CDs in trees and other well-lit areas of your yard may also be another way to keep iguanas from eating your orchids.

Light will reflect from the shiny side of the CD. Iguanas will become afraid once they see the light reflecting off the CDs. Hang the CDs in well-lit areas to help keep these lizards away from your orchid and other plants.

You can also try placing figurines of owls or other large birds throughout different trees and other regions of your yard. The iguanas will become frightened at the sight of some of their top predators and will stay away.

Maxwell CD-R Blank CDs (5 pack)-$6

You can purchase the Maxwell CD-R Blank CDs and hang the discs with string in various regions of your yard. The reflective side of the CD will reflect sunlight and scare the iguanas and other pests away.

Predatory Owl Figurine-$22

Owls are a natural predator of iguanas and other small pests! Placing a Predatory Owl Figurine in your garden is a sure way to keep iguanas away from your orchids and other outdoor plants. The presence of the owl (even though it is fake) is enough to scare iguanas and keep them away from your plants. I highly suggest purchasing one of these figurines to help protect your outdoor orchids and plants!

4. Set Traps to Safely Catch Iguanas

Setting traps is another option you can use to keep iguanas from eating your orchid. If you decide to use this method, you should always do so with kind intentions and not harm the iguanas.

You can use cages or small traps that you would normally use for small pests (like rabbits, chipmunks, raccoons, etc.) to catch iguanas. To trap an iguana, simply place pieces of fruit inside the cage or trap.

The sweet smell of the fruit will attract the iguana and the lizard will want to eat it. Be sure to check the trap several times a day for any iguanas or other animals.

If you happen to trap an iguana, immediately call your local animal services so they can direct you on where and how to release the lizard.

When choosing different cages or traps for the iguanas, be sure to use ones that will not harm the lizard. Make sure there are no sharp or pointed wires or edges that could potentially harm the iguana.

5. Place Netting Around Your Orchids to Keep Iguanas From Eating Them

Another effective way to keep iguanas from eating your orchids is by wrapping your plant or surround areas with netting. You will want to use netting that has small spacing in between each row.

The iguana will not be able to penetrate or get through the netting, making it perfect to use. Be sure not to wrap the netting too tight on your orchid, and avoid placing it on the orchid’s stems and blooms (so they don’t fall off).

Mesh Garden Netting (8’x24′)-$20

This ultra-thin Mesh Garden Netting is perfect if you are looking for a solution to keep iguanas, birds, and other pests away from your outdoor orchids and gardens! Iguanas will be unable to penetrate the netting, as the the slits are super small. The lizards and even birds will be unable to break the netting, as it is super strong and durable.

There is plenty of netting to cover multiple orchids and other plants. The Mesh Garden Netting is easy to cut and mold to your orchids and other plants. It will not damage your orchids and still allows for good air flow to the plants.

6. Place Radios or Speakers Outside Near Your Orchids and Plants

Loud noises tend to scare iguanas. Placing radios or speakers outside will help in preventing iguanas from eating your orchids and other outdoor plants.

You do not need to blast the speakers to keep the iguanas away. Just a little noise will spook the lizard and deter them from returning back to your yard or orchid.

Place the speakers in areas of your yard where you notice this lizard the most. Play music on the speaker throughout the day to help keep iguanas and other pests away from your yard and plants.

ION Audio Wireless Outdoor Rock Speakers (set of 2)-$126

The ION Audio Wireless Outdoor Rock Speakers are perfect if you are looking for a way to keep iguanas or other pests out of your garden. A little bit of noise is enough to scare these pests away and keep your orchids and other outdoor plants safe.

You are able to connect to these speakers via bluetooth and are able to stream music, videos, and other media to this device. This enables you to connect to the speaker at anytime and play music if you notice iguanas or other pests nearby.

The wireless speakers are 100% waterproof and can withstand most outdoor environments and conditions (making them perfect for outdoor patios and gardens). ION Audio Wireless Outdoor Rock Speakers hold a charge for 8 hours and comes with a charger to recharge the device.

7. Move Your Orchid Indoors

The best and most effective way to keep iguanas from eating your orchid and other plants is by moving the plants indoors.

If you have potted orchids or plants that keep getting attacked by iguanas and have tried all other options, then play it safe and move your orchid inside.

Once the orchid is inside, be sure to place it in well-lit areas of your home. Orchids will need at least 8 hours of sunlight each day to properly thrive. Most species of orchids also need to be placed in temperatures that are at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.

Avoid placing your orchid in drafty areas. If it becomes too cold for your plant, try using additional lighting sources or portable heaters to help increase the temperature.

Are Iguanas Eating Your Orchid: Summarized

Iguanas may be cool, friendly lizards but they can spell trouble for your orchid and other plants. Iguanas will eat most parts of plants, including leaves and flowering blooms. Orchids are a perfect, tasty snack that iguanas tend to favor.

The majority of wild iguanas are found in tropical regions, such as Florida, South America, rainforests, and other tropical and coastal areas. Iguanas are perfectly harmless but have proved to be annoying, outdoor pests.

This lizard can quickly destroy and consume your plant in as little one meal. If you live in tropical areas where iguana populations are present and notice your orchid is disapperaing, then immediately take action and find ways to repel the lizard away from your yard and orchid.

There are several different ways you can keep iguanas from eating your orchid and repel the lizard away including:

  • Using iguana repellent sprays (you can even make your own!)
  • Installing sprinkler systems around your yard and orchids
  • Placing CDs in trees and other parts of your yard (the light reflected will scare the iguana)
  • Use large bird figurines to scare the iguana
  • Set iguana traps with fruit as bait (ones that are safe!)
  • Wrap your orchid or surrounding areas with netting
  • Place speakers outdoors and use noise to scare the iguanas away
  • Move your orchid or other infected plants indoors

One of the methods above with surely work and repel iguanas and even other pests away from your orchid and yard. You should always treat these lizards with respect and never harm them in any of the processes listed above.

By now you are an expert on iguanas and ways to keep these lizards from eating your orchids.

Thanks for reading! are iguanas eating your orchid?

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