Orchid Care in New York

Phalaenopsis orchid care in New York can be an interesting experience for anyone who may live in this state.


Because in the state of New York, the seasons and weather change frequently. This type of orchid requires certain environmental dynamics in order to survive, especially during winter when it is cold and gloomy.

In order to have a healthy orchid it requires specific:

  • Lighting
  • Humidity levels
  • Temperatures
  • Amounts of water

This article will help you in caring for your phalaenopsis orchid in New York and breakdown how to care for your orchid during each season. By the time you are done reading this you will be an expert on orchid care in New York!

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Phalaenopsis orchid care in New York

Phalaenopsis Orchids

A phalaenopsis orchid is one of the most popular and common orchids for flower and plant lovers to own. This orchid has earn a reputable stance in the horticulture world for how beautiful and vibrant this species of orchid is.

There are over 300 different species of orchids, with phalaenopsis orchids belonging to the Orchidaceae family of orchids. This specific species of orchid naturally grows in Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and other tropic-like regions and rainforests.

Most phalaenopsis orchids range between 8 inches to 36 inches in height once mature.

This type of orchid is often referred to as the “moth orchid” due to the moth-like appearance of its blooms. There can be 6 to 12 blooms per stem at a time on this species of orchids.

Usually healthy phalaenopsis orchids have 2 stems per plant. Healthy orchids typically will have 6 to 10 leaves per plant at a time. The leaves will be thick, long, and vibrant green.

Most phalaenopsis orchid blooms come in a variety of colors. This includes white, pink, yellow, orange, and purple. Each color has a unique history and meaning.

The root system on phalaenopsis orchids are fueled by air flow and water. These types of roots are known as aerial roots. The roots, if healthy, will appear grassy-green and feel like candle-wax.

In order to achieve growing, vibrant, and blooming orchids, you must take proper steps and care. Below you will find specific information regarding different helpful topics for phalaenopsis orchid care.

Sunlight and Orchids

To have a healthy orchid, you must give your plant specific amounts of sunlight each day. This exotic species of orchid loves the sun.

A phalaenopsis orchid requires 12 to 14 hours of sunlight each day.

Proper amounts of sunlight help promote orchid growth. If your orchid is getting enough light, then you will notice new roots and leaves appearing, along with long lasting blooms.

You will be able to tell if your orchid isn’t getting enough sunlight based on the physical appearance of the plant.

The leaves will begin to shrink, wrinkle, turn dark green, and eventually fall off. You will also notice the blooms falling off and the stem quickly dying.

If your orchid is getting too much sunlight then you will be able to tell based on the appearance of the leaves and roots. In this case, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and will wilt.

The leaves will also begin to dry and shrivel up, and will turn a gray color. You will also begin to notice lack of growth on your orchid as well.

To ensure your orchid gets the best possible amounts of sunlight, place it:

  • In well lit rooms
  • Near windows

I know it may be hard to give your orchid proper amounts of sunlight, especially during certain seasons. You can give your orchid the 12 hours of lighting it requires naturally and artificially.

You can use artificial lighting, such as florescent or LED lights (make sure bulbs do not exceed 100 Watts) to improve lighting if you do not receive at least 12 hours of sunlight in your area each day.

For artificial lighting, check out these links below to find the perfect light for your orchid:

Humidity and Phalaenopsis Orchid Care

Orchids are native to tropic-like regions and require significantly high humidity levels in order to be fully healthy.

The humidity levels need to be between 50% and 70% for phalaenopsis orchids.

Humidity helps with airflow and the moisture of your orchid. Orchids require high humidity levels in order to receive key nutrients which are essential for the roots and growth.

Humidity will also help keep your orchid’s soil and potting medium moist (if dried out this can cause damage to your orchid).

If the humidity levels where you live are low, or if the region of the world you live in is experience winter (which normally brings dry air) consider using a humidifier to help increase humidity levels. This will help your orchid and you as well–say goodbye to chapped lips, dry skin, throats and noses!

Temperature and Orchid Care

This specific species of orchids require relatively warm temperatures. Since phalaenopsis orchids are native to tropic-like regions, proper temperature is essential for the survival of your plant.

The temperature for phalaenopsis orchids should be between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and should not fall below 65 degrees at night.

If it becomes too cold for your orchid, you will notice the leaves turning a dark green color, lack of growth from your plant, freeze burns developing on leaves, and even a dead orchid.

To help make sure your orchid is warm enough, consider turning up your indoor heat temperature, use a portable heater (place near your orchid), or move your plant away from drafty windows.

Check out the links below to the best portable heater for your indoor spaces and orchid:

Watering Your Orchid

It is essential that you properly water your phalaenopsis orchid if you want it to grow and live. No matter where your orchid is, it needs certain and specific amounts of water.

You should give your orchid 3 ounces of water every 7 to 10 days.

When watering your orchid, you should first check the moisture levels of your plant. If the orchid’s soil feels dry and if the roots are beginning to fade in color and feel dry, you should water your orchid.

Once you complete watering your orchid, always be sure to check for water pooling on the bottom of the orchid’s pot. Submerging your orchid in too much water can kill it. You should immediately drain any excess water if you notice any on the bottom of the pot.

For more information on how to water your orchid, check out how often to water orchids indoors.

Orchid Care in New York: Winter

Orchid care in New York can be a challenging task.

This is because during this season in this region, temperatures usually become cold, there’s very short periods of sunlight each day, and the air becomes dry.

Winter usually means little-to-no growth from your orchid and your plant may even go dormant. Even though there may be no new growth from your orchid, your plant is still alive. As long as the leaves and roots are still green and intact, it is healthy. Don’t give up on it!

Temperatures During Winter

During winter in New York, daily temperatures during this season typically range from 25 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit each day. Winter seems to last forever in New York (I live here!) and cold temperatures last from late October to mid to late April.

It can be expensive to heat your home during winter, especially to the 75 degrees that this type of orchid requires. To help with warming your orchid you should consider:

  • Using portable heaters
  • Placing your orchid in well-lit rooms
  • Move your orchid away from drafty areas

The portable heaters should be placed several feet away from your orchid and should be set to at least 75 degrees. You should also place your orchid in bright rooms, as light is a natural heat source and can help with heating your orchid.

Consider purchasing these items below to help improve environmental conditions for your orchid during winter. Click the links below to find out more:

Sunlight and Orchid Care During Winter in New York

New York during winter can receive as little as 8 hours of sunlight each day. This is not nearly enough sunlight for your orchid. To help overcome this dilemma (since we can’t control mother nature) you should consider using artificial lighting for your orchid.

Artificial lighting is just as good as using light from the sun. This form of lighting will still help your orchid grow and warm your plant.

Consider using LED or florescent lights if you are considering using this type of lighting. Be sure that the bulbs don’t exceed 100 Watts. Place the light 2 to 3 feet above your orchid.

Humidity During Winter in New York

Winter in New York also tends to bring dry-climates and air. As you may recall, phalaenopsis orchids require humidity levels between 50 and 80%. The humidity levels during winter are not nearly humid enough for these types of orchids.

To help improve humidity levels in the room you are displaying your orchid in, you should consider using humidifiers. Humidifiers will disperse water vapor in the air, increase the humidity levels.

For more information on how to care for your orchid during winter, check out orchid care during winter months.

Orchid Care in New York: Spring

Orchid care in New York during spring becomes a bit easier. During this season, the amount of sunlight each day significantly increases and the air starts to become more humid and warmer.

Spring usually only lasts for a few months in New York. It rapidly begins in April (when temperatures and sunlight start increasing) and lasts till around mid-June.

Spring and Temperature

The temperatures during spring in New York typically begin to increase each week. Once mid-to-late April comes around, the outdoor temperatures become warm enough where you do not need to heat your home during the day.

In spring during the day, the temperatures typically range from 55 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit in New York. At night, the temperatures may fall to 40 degrees depending on the month.

You most likely will not need any additional heating sources for your orchid during the day, but at night you may need to consider keeping your orchid near a portable heater or artificial light to make sure it does not become too cold for your plant.

Lighting During Spring in New York

New York during spring will have about 10 to 12 hours of sunlight each day. This is almost the proper amount of lighting your orchid needs.

Since there is more sunlight each day, you will begin to notice more growth an activity from your orchid. Unlike winter, you most likely will not have to use artificial lighting for your orchid during spring.

As long as you place your orchid near a bright window, your plant should receive sufficient amounts of light each day. But if you notice your orchid looking limp and lack of growth, you can try improving the health of your orchid by using artificial lighting as well.

Place orchids near a window in a well-lit room
To make sure your orchid is getting enough sunlight, try placing it near a window in a well-lit room. If this doesn’t work you may consider using artificial lighting, like LED or florescent lights.

Humidity Levels and Orchid Care in New York During Spring

The humidity levels during spring in New York begin to increase and become more fit for healthy orchid plants.

The humidity during spring in New York reaches 55%. This means the air is moist and humid enough for your orchid and you will not need to use humidifiers.

Orchid Care in New York: Summer

Summer is the best season for phalaenopsis orchid care in New York.

Summer is the warmest, sunniest, and more humid months for New York, with some days resembling tropical rainforests (especially when it gets super warm and humid). This season lasts from about mid-to-late June until mid-September.

This season is the perfect time to watch your orchid thrive and grow.

Summer and Warm Temperatures

The summer season can at times be very hot in New York. You will not need any additional heating sources for your orchid, even during the night.

During the day, temperatures in New York during summer typically range from 75 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

At night, the temperatures usually range from 65 to 75 degrees.

If you use air-conditioning during the summer, just be careful to not place your orchid near any air vents.

If you set your thermometers below 75 degrees and your orchid is near a vent, then you risk it becoming too cold for your plant.

Sunlight During Summer Months in New York

Summer provides the longest amount of sunlight out of all seasons in New York.

During summer, there is normally 14 to 16 hours of sunlight per day.

As long as your orchid is placed in a well-lit area and preferably near a window, then you will not have to use any additional lighting.

Just pay attention to the leaves of your orchids. It will become easy during this season for your orchid to get too much sunlight. You will be able to notice if your orchid is getting too much sunlight if:

  • The leaves are turning yellow
  • Soil and roots become abnormally dry
  • You have to water your orchid more frequently

If you suspect your orchid is getting too much sunlight, then simply move it a few feet away from the window or light source you are using.

Orchid care during summer in New York can be one of the easiest seasons to care for your phalaenopsis orchid.
Orchid care during summer in New York can be one of the easiest seasons to care for your phalaenopsis orchid. The amount of sunlight, humidity, and temperatures during this season are perfect for orchids.

Humidity Levels During Summer

The humidity levels during summer are perfect for orchids. The levels range from 60 to 70% depending on the month.

You will not need to use humidifiers during summer. Though you should check the moisture levels of the soil and roots, and if dry, water your plant.

Orchid Care in New York: Fall

It is relatively easy to care for your phalaenopsis orchid during fall in New York. Fall lasts in New York from about mid-to-late September until late October.

Temperatures During Fall in New York

The temperatures during the day for fall in New York typically range from 55 to 70 degrees during the day, and 40 to 50 degrees at night.

During the day you will not need any additional heating sources. It should be warm enough, most days, naturally.

There are days where it may be gloomy and rainy, which normally brings colder weather. If days like this occur, you may consider placing your orchid under artificial lighting or near portable heaters.

At night, it will be too cold for your orchid. You should place your orchid under artificial lights or near portable heaters to prevent any damage to your orchid.

Orchid Care and Sunlight During Fall

Fall usually receives enough sunlight during the day, which is substantial for your orchid.

In New York during fall, there are normally 10 to 12 hours of sunlight. You will not need any additional lighting sources for your orchid.

Be sure to place your orchid in well-lit rooms near windows.

Humidity Levels in New York During Fall

The humidity levels in New York during fall typically range from 62-70%.

This means the air moisture or humidity levels are perfect for your orchid. You will not need to do anything to improve the humidity levels during this season.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Care in New York: Summarized

By now you have reached the end of phalaenopsis orchid care in New York.

Orchid care in this northeastern state can vary by season. Of the four seasons, winter tends to be the hardest month to care for orchids, while summer is the easiest.

Phalaenopsis orchids require special care and treatment, including:

  • Specific amounts of sunlight
  • Proper temperatures
  • High humidity levels
  • Proper amounts of water (3 oz, 7 to 10 days regardless of the season)

Orchid Care in New York During Spring, Summer, and Fall

During the seasons of spring through fall, orchid care in New York is pretty easy.

Throughout these 3 seasons, sunlight hours range from 10 to 14 hours, depending on the month, making it so you do not have to use any artificial lighting for your orchid.

Temperatures during these 3 seasons also tend to be favorable for orchid care. Only at night during the seasons of spring and fall will you possibly have to use additional heating sources, such as portable heaters, since it gets cooler at night.

Humidity levels are all very similar during spring, summer, and fall in New York, making this aspect favorable for your orchid.

Orchid Care in New York During Winter

Only during the winter months in New York does phalaenopsis orchid care become challenging. During winter, it tends to become cold, dark, and dry.

Temperatures rarely exceed 40 degrees during winter, requiring you to use heat for your orchid (your orchid needs it to be at least 65 to 75 degrees). In additon to heating your house, you may need to use portable heaters or artificial lights to make sure your orchid is warm enough.

There are also very few hours of sunlight each day during winter in New York. This makes it challenging for your orchid to carry out photosynthesis and grow (since they need 12 to 14 hours of light each day).

You will notice little-to-no growth from your orchid during these months and your orchid may even go completely dormant and not do anything until spring.

You should consider using LED or florescent lighting to make up for the lack of sunlight your plant receives during the day in winter.

Winter also brings dry air and low humidity levels. Orchids are native to tropic-like climates and need high humidity levels to survive (50 to 70%).

To help with this humidity problem, you should consider placing humidifiers in the same area as your orchid.

Hopefully by now you know everything you need to have successful phalaenopsis orchid care in New York. Thanks for reading and good luck with your orchid!


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